Population & Characteristics for the Alleghany Highlands
- Population: 15,223
- Gender: Female 51.1%, Male 48.9%
- Race: Caucasian 92.6%, Black 4.7%, Hispanic or Latino 1.8%, Multiracial 1.9%
- Age: Under Age 18 18.3%, Ages 18-64 56.2%, Age 65 & Over 25.8%
- 2020 Census Data

Quick Facts by Community
- 2020 Census Data & 2021 HomeTownLocator

Housing Data
- Owner Occupied Housing Unit Rate (2015-19): 76.2%
- Median Value of Owner-Occupied Units (2015-19): $119,700
- Median Gross Rent (2015-19): $653
- Households (2015-19): 6,600
- Persons per Household (2015-19): 2.24
- Percent Living in Same House 1 Year Ago (2015-19): 91.3%
- Median Household Income (in 2019 dollars): $47,673

- Road: Located off I-64, connecting with I-81
- Rail, Freight: CSX
- Rail, Passenger: Amtrak
- Air: Ingalls Field Airport: Hot Springs, VA (19.5 miles)
- Greenbrier Valley Airport: Lewisburg, WV (33 miles)
- Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport: Roanoke, VA (59 miles)

Located on the western edge of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Alleghany Highlands is located within 300 miles of:
- Roanoke, VA: 54 miles
- Charleston, WV: 138 miles
- Richmond, VA: 175 miles
- Raleigh, NC: 226 miles
- Washington, DC: 228 miles
- Charlotte, NC: 254 miles
- Baltimore, MD: 263 miles
- Pittsburgh, PA: 277 miles
- Columbus, OH: 300 miles
- And less than 500 miles from Atlanta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Lexington, Louisville, Nashville, New York City and Philadelphia.
Internet in the Alleghany Highlands
Internet Service Providers
- Shentel
- Lumos
- Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative
Multigig Fiber Network
Consumers and businesses in the Alleghany Highlands have access to a world class, state-of-the-art, 100% fiber multigig (speeds available greater than one gig) capable network from Lumos, a regional premier provider of fiber-to-the-premises internet, placing the Alleghany Highlands at the forefront of the gig economy. This ultra-high bandwidth network covers 95% of the Alleghany Highlands area including all of the industrial and business sites.
This fiber network can provide the reliability and consistently of fast “symmetrical” (equal speeds for both download and upload) connections necessary for businesses, HD quality video meetings, work from home employees and virtual learning. Symmetrical speeds, it’s not just about the download speeds any longer, it’s also about producing content and sending out to the world. Only a 100% fiber network can provide the reliability and consistently fast download and upload connections necessary for ultra-high-bandwidth applications, especially live applications like HD quality video meetings and virtual learning.
This multigig network is connected to the major Data Centers which also allows for the development of new Data Center sites in the Alleghany Highlands. This fiber network also has access to multiple Carriers for diversity and the ability to be customized for redundancy.
This 100% fiber broadband network places the Alleghany Highlands among the most technology-enabled communities in the world. The Alleghany Highlands leapfrogs a generation enabling the ability to attract gig workers who want to live, learn, work, and thrive in the region.
As the world economy continues to change as a result of COVID-19 and its variants, a rural area like the Alleghany Highlands with a multigig fiber network has a greater advantage in supporting businesses looking to escape the larger Metro areas with an almost 100% community of fiber connections for virtual workplaces and classrooms.